As the Executive Director of Sarver Corporate Foundation, we are thankful to God for the season of Lent and we pray that as the people of Ukraine walk the way of the Cross, that we too will humble ourselves and partner with them in prayer and support!
Ash Wednesday was celebrated yesterday, March 2, 2022. Ash Wednesday is always the first day of Lent, a special season of repentance, prayer, self-denial, and fasting. This is what many Christians commemorate as they begin the way of the cross many designate as Lent, a season that lasts 6 weeks before Easter. The liturgical phrase used often in Ash Wednesday services is “Ashes to ashes, dust to dust and to dust you shall return.” Though this phrase is never mentioned in the Bible, the message is taken from several passages in Genesis. The main passage for this phrase is found in Genesis 3:19: “By the sweat of your brow you will eat your food until you return to the ground, since from it you were taken; for dust you are and to dust you will return.”
In an interview on Monday with Fox & Friends, Archbishop Borys Gudziak, a spiritual leader at the Ukrainian Catholic Archeparchy in Philadelphia,, said,
"We’re beginning Lent, and Lent leads us to the resurrection," "There’s the way of the cross in between and Ukraine is being crucified right now."
Gudziak continued, "But, people are strong. People believe that God is the lord of history, and they’re putting up a fight." Churches across Ukraine are now being repurposed and used as bomb shelters as well as places of prayer. As the siege continues into a second week, prayers for the people are needed more than ever as Russia escalates and ramps up their brutal attacks against civilians as well as governmental office!
Pray with me Psalm 27 over the people of Ukraine – and pray that the Holy Spirit will touch their lives with the comfort and care of the Lord our God! Kyrie Eleison....Lord Have Mercy!